Engineering Career Advancement Program (ECAP)
Our Engineering Career Advancement Program is for students who desire assistance in preparing for the Engineering license exams. It involves multi-faceted training methods to include lectures, hands on training aids, illustration review, quizzes and practice examinations. The lectures emphasize the design and purpose of engineering equipment, systems and fundamentals. The hands on training aides are intended to allow the student to reinforce classroom training through practical application. The illustration reviews are designed to help the student to interpret USCG illustrations and identify associated components. Periodic quizzes are given to perform knowledge checks on instruction and to prepare the student for the exams. Practice exams will be given at the completion of each module to identify areas of focus. It is highly recommended that the student gains USCG approval to sit for the exams prior to attending the Engineering Career Advancement Program. In addition, the student should consider scheduling the exams to coincide with the completion of the training.
ECAP (1AE) 1st Assistant Engineer Unlimited (Steam) – $7,000 – This 280 hour instructor led course is designed for 2nd Assistant Engineers (Steam) who desire assistance in preparation for 1st Assistant Engineer License Exams. During the course, the student will complete the following:
Module I: General Subjects
Module II: Air Conditioning & Refrigeration
Module III: Electricity, Electronics and Control Systems
Module IV: Steam Generators
Module V: Steam Engines
Module VI: Engineering Safety & Environmental Protection
Module VII: Engineering Management
ECAP (1AE) 1st Assistant Engineer Unlimited (Motor) – $7,000 – This 280 hour instructor led license preparation course is designed for 2nd Assistant Engineers (Motor) who desire assistance in preparation for 1st Assistant Engineer license exams. During the course, the student will complete the following:
Module I: General Subjects
Module II: Air Conditioning & Refrigeration
Module III: Electricity, Electronics and Control Systems
Module IV: Steam Generators
Module V: Steam Engines
Module VI: Engineering Safety & Environmental Protection
Module VII: Motor Plants
Module VIII: Engineering Management
ECAP (1AE) 1st Assistant Engineer Unlimited (Steam & Motor) – $8,000 – This 320 hour instructor led license preparation course is designed for 2nd Assistant Engineers (Steam & Motor) who desire assistance in preparation for 1st Assistant Engineer license exams. During the course, the student will complete the following:
Module I: General Subjects
Module II: Air Conditioning & Refrigeration
Module III: Electricity, Electronics and Control Systems
Module IV: Steam Generators
Module V: Steam Engines
Module VI: Engineering Safety & Environmental Protection
Module VII: Motor Plants
Module VIII: Engineering Management
ECAP (3AE) 3rd Assistant Engineer Unlimited (Steam) – $6,000 – This 240 hour instructor led license preparation course is designed for mariners who desire assistance in preparation for 3rd Assistant Engineer license exams (Steam). During the course, the student will complete the following:
Module I: General Subjects
Module II: Air Conditioning & Refrigeration
Module III: Electricity, Electronics and Control Systems
Module IV: Steam Generators
Module V: Steam Engines
Module VI: Engineering Safety & Environmental Protection
ECAP (3AE) 3rd Assistant Engineer Unlimited (Motor) – $6,000 – This 240 hour instructor led course is designed for mariners who desire assistance in preparation for 3rd Assistant Engineer license exams (Motor). During the course, the student will complete the following:
Module I: General Subjects
Module II: Air Conditioning & Refrigeration
Module III: Electricity, Electronics and Control Systems
Module IV: Steam Generators
Module V: Steam Engines
Module VI: Engineering Safety & Environmental Protection
Module VII: Motor Plants
ECAP (3AE) 3rd Assistant Engineer Unlimited (Steam & Motor) – $6,000 – This 240 hour instructor led license preparation course is designed for mariners who desire assistance in preparation for 3rd Assistant Engineer license exams (Steam & Motor). During the course, the student will complete the following:
Module I: General Subjects
Module II: Air Conditioning & Refrigeration
Module III: Electricity, Electronics and Control Systems
Module IV: Steam Generators
Module V: Steam Engines
Module VI: Engineering Safety & Environmental Protection
Module VII: Motor Plants
ECAP (C/E) Chief Engineer Limited (Steam) – $7,000 – This 280 hour instructor led license preparation course is designed for Assistant Engineers who desire assistance in preparation for the Chief Engineer license exams. During the course, the student will complete the following:
Module I: General Subjects
Module II: Air Conditioning & Refrigeration
Module III: Electricity, Electronics and Control Systems
Module IV: Steam Generators
Module V: Steam Engines
Module VI: Engineering Safety & Environmental Protection
Module VII: Motor Plants
ECAP (C/E) Chief Engineer Limited (Motor) – $7,000 – This 280 instructor led license preparation course is designed for Assistant Engineers (Motor) who desire assistance in preparation for the Chief Engineer license exams. During the course, the student will complete the following:
Module I: General Subjects
Module II: Air Conditioning & Refrigeration
Module III: Electricity, Electronics and Control Systems
Module IV: Steam Generators
Module V: Steam Engines
Module VI: Engineering Safety & Environmental Protection
Module VII: Motor Plants
Module VIII: Engineering Management
ECAP (C/E) Chief Engineer Limited (Steam & Motor) – $8,000 – This 320 hour instructor led license preparation course is designed for Assistant Engineers who desire assistance in preparation for the Chief Engineer license exams. During the course, the student will complete the following:
Module I: General Subjects
Module II: Air Conditioning & Refrigeration
Module III: Electricity, Electronics and Control Systems
Module IV: Steam Generators
Module V: Steam Engines
Module VI: Engineering Safety & Environmental Protection
Module VII: Motor Plants
Module VIII: Engineering Management
ECAP (C/E) Assistant Engineer Limited (Steam) – $6,000 – This 240 hour instructor led license preparation course is designed for mariners who desire assistance in preparation for Assistant Engineer License exams (Steam). During the course, the student will complete the following:
Module I: General Subjects
Module II: Air Conditioning & Refrigeration
Module III: Electricity, Electronics and Control Systems
Module IV: Steam Generators
Module V: Steam Engines
Module VI: Engineering Safety & Environmental Protection
ECAP (A/E) Assistant Engineer Limited (Motor) – $6,000 – This 240 hour instructor led license preparation course is designed for mariners who desire assistance in preparation for the Assistant Engineer license exams (Motor). During the course, the student will complete the following:
Module I: General Subjects
Module II: Air Conditioning & Refrigeration
Module III: Electricity, Electronics and Control Systems
Module IV: Steam Generators
Module V: Steam Engines
Module VI: Engineering Safety & Environmental Protection
Module VII: Motor Plants
ECAP (A/E) Assistant Engineer Limited (Steam & Motor) – $7,000 – This 280 hour instructor led license preparation course is designed for mariners who desire assistance in preparation for the Assistant Engineer license exams. During the course, the student will complete the following:
Module I: General Subjects
Module II: Air Conditioning & Refrigeration
Module III: Electricity, Electronics and Control Systems
Module IV: Steam Generators
Module V: Steam Engines
Module VI: Engineering Safety & Environmental Protection
Module VII: Motor Plants
ECAP Uninspected Fishing Industry Vessel (UFIV)
240 Hour Instructor led license preparation for Assistant Engineer (Motor Only) – $6,000
280 Hour Instructor led license preparation for Chief Engineer (Motor Only) – $7,000
This instructor led license preparation course is designed for mariners who desire assistance in preparation for the Assistant Engineer license exams or the Chief Engineer license exams. During the course, the student will complete the following:
Module I: General Subjects
Module II: Air Conditioning & Refrigeration
Module III: Electricity, Electronics and Control Systems
Module IV: Steam Generators
Module V: Engineering Safety & Environmental Protection
Module VI: Motor Plants
Module VII: Engineering Management (Chief Engineer Only)
ECAP Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit (MODU)
240 Hour Instructor led license preparation for Assistant Engineer (Motor Only) – $6,000
280 Hour Instructor led license preparation for Chief Engineer (Motor Only) – $7,000
This instructor led license preparation course is designed for mariners who desire assistance in preparation for the Assistant Engineer license exams or the Chief Engineer license exams. During the course, the student will complete the following:
Module I: General Subjects
Module II: Air Conditioning & Refrigeration
Module III: Electricity, Electronics and Control Systems
Module IV: Steam Generators
Module V: Engineering Safety & Environmental Protection
Module VI: Motor Plants
Module VII: Engineering Management (Chief Engineer Only)
ECAP Offshore Supply Vessel (OSV)
240 Hour Instructor led license preparation for Assistant Engineer (Motor Only) – $6,000
280 Hour Instructor led license preparation for Chief Engineer (Motor Only) – $7,000
This instructor led license preparation course is designed for mariners who desire assistance in preparation for the Assistant Engineer license exams or the Chief Engineer license exams. During the course, the student will complete the following:
Module I: General Subjects
Module II: Air Conditioning & Refrigeration
Module III: Electricity, Electronics and Control Systems
Module IV: Steam Generators
Module V: Engineering Safety & Environmental Protection
Module VI: Motor Plants
Module VII: Engineering Management (Chief Engineer Only)
ECAP 1 General Subjects (80 Hours)
1.Prints and Tables
2.Hand Tools
3.Pipes, Fittings and Valves
5.Materials Science
6.Bilge Systems
7.Oily Water Separators
8.Sanitary/Sewage Systems
9.Freshwater Systems
11.Lubrication Systems
12.Automation Systems
13.Control Systems
14.Propellers & Shafting Systems
15.Machine Shop
16.Distilling Systems
22.Cooling Systems
24.Ship Construction and Repair
25.Steering Systems
26.Deck Machinery
27.Ventilation Systems
29.Heat Exchangers
30.Watch Duties
31.International Rules and Regulations
ECAP 6 Motor Propulsion (40 Hours)
2.Main Engines
3.Auxiliary Engines
4.Starting Systems
5.Lubrication Systems
7.Fuel Systems
8.Fuel Injection Systems
9.Intake Systems
10.Exhaust Systems
11.Cooling Systems
12.Air Charging Systems
13.Drive Systems
14.Control Systems
15.Automation Systems
17.Auxiliary Steam Systems
18.Water Chemistry
20.Casualty Control
ECAP 2 Air Conditioning & Refrigeration (40 Hours)
2.Air Conditioning Systems
3.Refrigeration Systems
4.Control Systems
5.Instruments and Gauges
7.Casualty Control
ECAP 7 Engineering Safety & Environmental Protection (40 Hours)
1.Fire Theory
2.Fire Prevention
3.Fire Fighting
6.Stability and Trim
7.Damage Control
8.General Safety
9.Hazardous Materials
10.Pollution Prevention
11.Inspections and Surveys
12.U.S. Rules and Regulations
ECAP 3 Electricity, Electronics & Control Systems (40 Hours)
2.General Maintenance
5.Motor Controllers
6.Propulsion Systems
7.Distribution Systems
8.Electronic Systems
12.Casualty Control
14.High Voltage Systems
15.Computers & Networks
16.Bridge Navigation Equipment
ECAP 8 Gas Turbines (40 Hours)
5.Operating Parameters
6.Start Systems
7.Lubrication Systems
8.Fuel Systems
9.Drive Systems
10.Bleed Air Systems
11.Intake & Exhaust Systems
12.Instrumentation & Controls
16.Casualty Control
ECAP 4 Steam Generation (40 Hours)
1.Steam Theory
2.Main Boilers
3.Auxiliary Boilers
4.Feedwater Systems
5.Condensate Systems
6.Recovery Systems
7.Fuel Systems
8.Main Fuel Systems
9.Boiler Water Chemistry
10.Control Systems
11.Automation Systems
13.Casualty Control
ECAP 9 Engineering Management (40 Hours)
1.Management Skills
2.Crisis Management
4.Inspection and Surveys
5.Vessel Layup
6.Employee Familiarization
7.Operational Planning
8.Assessing Competency
9.Management Practices
11.Internal Documents
12.International Laws & Conventions
13.Technical Analysis
14.Maintenance Systems
16.Codes and Regulations
ECAP 5 Steam Engines (40 Hours)
1.Main Turbines
2.Auxiliary Turbines
3.Governor Systems
4.Control Systems
5.Automation Systems
6.Lubrication Systems
7.Drive Systems
8.Auxiliary Diesel Engines
10.Casualty Control
Our Industry Partners
We Can’t Do it Alone…
Mid-Atlantic Maritime Academy has been fortunate to team with many industry partners in our quest to provide our students with the best education and learning experience possible. And we could not have done that without their assistance. Pay them a visit and tell them MAMA sent you.
Auxiliary Systems

Electrical, Electronics, and Controls

Electrical Safety & Testing

Industrial Maintenance

Hydraulic Power Systems

Marine Propulsion

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
John Doe
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
John Doe
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
John Doe
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
John Doe
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
John Doe
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
John Doe
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Our Facility
Maritime Institute was founded in 1976 and grew to become the go-to center for Captain’s License certification in California, though the company offered a wide variety of courses for mariners of all backgrounds. Maritime Institute instructors became renowned in U.S. Navy special warfare circles for their superior training programs for small vessel operators, a key training need for Small Boat Teams, SEALS, and other special operations personnel. The company partnered with International Yacht Training (IYT) to provide Master of Yachts certification for those seeking to charter vessels outside of the United States. In addition to it’s San Diego training facilities and classroom in Alameda, California, the company provided exportable training in remote locations throughout California.

(619) 263-1638
3980 Sherman St., Suite 100 | San Diego, CA 92110
Mid-Atlantic Maritime Academy is a highly respected, state-of-the-art maritime training center. Above all, we established our courses for people seeking to enter the exciting maritime profession. Similarly, we teach mariners seeking to advance their careers too. MAMA offers over 90 USCG approved engineering and deck courses. We also offer custom-tailored courses. We provide outstanding training to civilian and military mariners from around the globe.
Our expert staff of instructors use real-world teaching techniques with cutting edge technology. Our “hands-on” equipment systems maintenance and interactive simulations are state-of-the-art. Also, our courses are inexpensive. Check out our pricing on each course page.
Finally, we are also located in a resort area with so much to do while you are here. You may want to stay an extra day or two and take in the sights.

In 2007 Mid Atlantic Maritime Academy (MAMA) bought the assets of Tidewater School of Navigation and began operations in June 1, of 2007. Capt. Jim Miller was instrumental in the start-up of the MAMA enterprise at that time, along with others. In October of 2008, The Maritime University, (TMU) was formed as the Engineering branch of MAMA. January 2011, both MAMA and TMU became MAMA/TMU LLC as a single entity known to all as Mid Atlantic Maritime Academy or MAMA.