Mission Statement
To provide professional and recreational mariners with high quality, affordable, practical training in all subjects related to vessel operations, while meeting or exceeding US Coast Guard standards for training where applicable, and delivering the knowledge mariners need to be safe out on the water.
Training Resources Limited was founded in 1998 to provide superior maritime training for civilian and military mariners. The company was incorporated in 2001 as Training Resources Limited, a Nevada Corporation (“TRL”). Through the years, TRL grew to become one of the largest maritime training centers on the West Coast, and invested heavily in training equipment, instructors and facilities to provide superior, realistic maritime training. The backbone of the training program is a significant investment in simulation equipment, including a Full Bridge simulator, engine room simulator, high voltage simulator, firefighting trainer, ARPA/ECDIS simulators, small arms trainer and a full scale life boat demonstrator. In 2017, the company moved to a new, state-of-the-art, 18,000 square foot training facility that includes 15 classrooms dedicated to subjects in deck, engineering, small arms and life/safety curriculum.
Maritime Institute was founded in 1976 and grew to become the go-to center for Captain’s License certification in California, though the company offered a wide variety of courses for mariners of all backgrounds. Maritime Institute instructors became renowned in U.S. Navy special warfare circles for their superior training programs for small vessel operators, a key training need for Small Boat Teams, SEALS, and other special operations personnel. The company partnered with International Yacht Training (IYT) to provide Master of Yachts certification for those seeking to charter vessels outside of the United States. In addition to it’s San Diego training facilities and classroom in Alameda, California, the company provided exportable training in remote locations throughout California.
In 2007, Mid Atlantic Maritime Academy (MAMA) was formed by acquiring the assets of the Tidewater School of Navigation. In 2008, The Maritime University (TMU) was formed as the engineering branch of MAMA, and the two schools merged into one as Mid Atlantic Maritime Academy in 2011. Based in Norfolk, Virginia, MAMA became the “go-to” provider for maritime training and certification in the Mid Atlantic Area, with over 30,000 SF of training space, a dedicated fire school, and heavy investment in simulation equipment and “hands on” training aids.
In 2018, Training Resources acquired Maritime Institute and merged the organizations together. In 2020, Training Resources Limited Maritime Institute (“TRLMI”) formed a publishing division (“Maritime Publishing”) and acquired four magazines that provide news and information to the maritime community. In 2021, TRLMI acquired the assets of the Maritime License Center in Honolulu and started operations in Hawaii. Also in 2021, Abrams Marine Group, an affiliate company of TRLMI, acquired Mid Atlantic Maritime Academy. On January 1, 2023, both Mid Atlantic Maritime Academy and TRLMI re-branded as “Maritime Institute”. In June 2023, Maritime Publishing acquired The Log Newspaper, Southern California’s go to source for boating and fishing news. In January 2024, Maritime Institute opened a new training center in Everett, Washington. In November 2024, Maritime Institute acquired Compass Courses operations in Edmonds, Washington.
Today, Maritime Institute offers over 100 U.S. Coast Guard, and U.S. Navy approved courses in Norfolk (VA), San Diego (CA), Honolulu (HI), Everett and Edmonds (WA), and Alameda (CA), and continues to provide exportable training throughout the United States and Pacific Rim. Our customers include Government organizations such as the U.S. Navy, Military Sealift Command and NOAA; Civilian ship operators such as Crowley, Disney Cruise Lines, and Foss Maritime; Merchant Mariner Unions such as Sailor’s Union of the Pacific (SUP) and Marine Firemen’s Union (MFOW), and thousands of independent mariners each year. The company provides training to over 10,000 mariners annually, in topics that cover every aspect of shipboard operations and offshore wind training.
Our Crew
Our crew cares about the success of our students. Our instructors each have decades of experience on the water in military and/or civilian mariner roles, and thoroughly enjoy passing along their knowledge to others. We exist to provide training, not just pass exams, but to ensure our students have the knowledge and skills they need to do their jobs.