Boot Camps offered in Norfolk, VA and San Diego, CA
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Earn Your Merchant Mariner Credentials Now
Our Boot Camp program is designed to produce fully credentialed and professionally trained mariners that are qualified to join any US Merchant Vessel at the entry level. Students will obtain their Transportation Worker’s Identification Card (TWIC), their US Merchant Mariner Credential (MMC), and will be rated by Standards of Training and Certification for Watchkeepers (STCW-95). These credentials, basic skills training, career skills training specific to the industry, and hands-on training opportunity, produce a strongly competitive candidate for employment.
The program is offered at our Norfolk, VA and San Diego, CA locations.
About The Program
The month of training takes place in the classroom and at either the Mid Atlantic Maritime Academy or the Training Resources Maritime Institute approved facilities. During classroom training, individuals are expected to successfully complete several courses. Classroom hours are typically 7:30am- 5pm, Monday- Friday. A second portion- for those who attend through “Out-of-School Youth” funding includes an on-the-job internship of up to 120 hours (average 40 hrs/ week over 3 weeks, but schedules depend on individual company operations).
Boot Camp Instructors. Engineering instructor Adrian Batchelor introduces Alexis Black and Avery Williams to hydraulic systems in the engineering lab. Our instructors have decades of experience in the maritime field and training professional mariners at every level. (October 2017)
Have questions? Please do not hesitate to drop us a line. Don’t wait! Change your life now.